How am I going to run my day today?
what are 3 things i am grateful for today?
what are 3 things i am grateful for today?
Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…
the benefits of writing gratitude daily are undeniable.
link https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2UY6wckh0e8
reciving gratitude is even more powerful https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qA1e_uty3ic (can be interesting to make a social project around that! hmmm… do you have ideas?
science https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rSixN5C_QeM
russle: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QezB9KkunGg
ted ted talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZWN6lfVYtw
how gratitude changes your brain: f https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG0COiQBjXA&pp=ygUxZ3JhdGl0dWRlIGpvdXJuYWxpbmcgYmVuZWZpdHMgc2NpZW50aWZpYyByZXNlYXJjaA%3D%3D
experimnet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHv6vTKD6lg&pp=ygUxZ3JhdGl0dWRlIGpvdXJuYWxpbmcgYmVuZWZpdHMgc2NpZW50aWZpYyByZXNlYXJjaA%3D%3D
how gratitude rewires your brain f https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYoocycgMPw&pp=ygUxZ3JhdGl0dWRlIGpvdXJuYWxpbmcgYmVuZWZpdHMgc2NpZW50aWZpYyByZXNlYXJjaA%3D%3D
See what others think, go even deeper and explore your thoughts… You can track it later and see your fascinating progress.✍️