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How to Trick Your Brain to Feel Happy and Content in 1 Minute

How Can I Be Happy?

Good Question!

IMAGINE what it would be like if you could MAKE yourself happier in just 1 minute a day.

  • No pills

  • No money

  • No guru

This secret tip I’m sharing with you now, is free and you can do it ANY time, ANY where. It's actually perfect to use it together with the 1 minute question exercise.

Let’s get started.

First, think about how you are feeling right now.

On the Happiness Scale below, circle the number best matching your level of happiness, right now.

happy scale

Okay, well done!

Now, think about how you would like to be feeling after this exercise.

Be realistic. For example: If you have just experienced a trauma or are experiencing grief and loss etc. it is important for you to understand there are times when it is normal to feel sadness.

This exercise is for when you just need a lift, a shift in your mood to get through your day. Like a meeting with a client/boss or outing with friends.

When we’re happy we smile.

We smile at people when we meet them because we are feeling happy. We talk to people more, we are more likely to participate in things we enjoy – sports, hobbies, socialising, work.

But what do you do when you are feeling sad?

What if you are not feeling happy?

What if you just feel blah?

There is a solution that will help you feel happier, when you arrive at the office.

A proven neuro-skill, you can learn and use to feel happier any time, any where.

A simple solution, proving that ‘faking it ‘til you make it’ can make you feel happier, right now.

Let’s give it a go.

Let’s say you rated yourself on the above test at a 1. Okay, so you’re feeling pretty unhappy right now but, you are going to meet up with friends and just need to shift your mood before you arrive.

You don’t want to be the one to bring the mood down. You want to feel happier. Makes sense, we all want to be happy.

So here’s how…


It’s really as simple as that.

  1. Grab a pen and a mirror.

  2. Put pen in your mouth – sideways – like a dog with a bone. (Looks pretty funny right? Okay, so you are almost there.)

  3. Hold the pen there and notice the expression on your face. Take a look in the mirror.

    Notice that by holding the pen in your mouth, your face is mimicking the same expression you make when you smile. Really, really focus of holding that position and at the same time, exaggerate that smile.

  4. Get your eyes smiling as well. Continue to hold this expression and smiling with your eyes for as long as you can. Anywhere between three to ten minutes. Notice how you are feeling after several minutes.

On a scale below of 0-10 (0 = very sad – 10 = happiest you could ever imagine feeling) – How are you feeling now?

Notice that you have shifted your move one or two, perhaps more points on the scale towards happiness.

​Continue this exercise as and when needed.

Well Done!

You now have learned a valuable neuro-skill you can practice wherever and whenever you need.

I love this exercise; it’s one of Mark Waldman’s recommendations and top neuro-tip for shifting your mood. It’s a fun exercise to do in the car while driving to work!

Why does it work?

I like to think of it as – Fake it ‘til you make it!

In short, there are two reasons this neuro-skill works:

Your brain detects your facial muscles are smiling and thinks, “I’m smiling so I must be happy.” (David Ludden PhD- Talking Apes).

Emotions are infectious. Notice, when you walk into a room, workplace, school, restaurant others cannot help but return your smile, with a smile. This makes you feel happy.

The facial feedback hypothesis states that facial movement can influence emotional experience. For example, an individual who is forced to smile during a social event will actually come to find the event more of an enjoyable experience.

More great things are coming in my emails, keep an eye out :)

If you liked this, feel free to share my 1 minute questions project with your friends! Just send them this link:

Have a happy day!


please reply below if that helped!


How to Trick Your Brain to Feel Happy and Content in 1 Minute

Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…

Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…

Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…

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