What are my objections or negative thoughts?
Write them down and then write down the opposite.
How it feels like? Feel it from the inside out, all over your body
what are 3 things i am grateful for today?
what are 3 things i am grateful for today?
Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…
the benefits of writing gratitude daily are undeniable.
link https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2UY6wckh0e8
reciving gratitude is even more powerful https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qA1e_uty3ic (can be interesting to make a social project around that! hmmm… do you have ideas?
science https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rSixN5C_QeM
russle: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QezB9KkunGg
ted ted talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZWN6lfVYtw
how gratitude changes your brain: f https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG0COiQBjXA&pp=ygUxZ3JhdGl0dWRlIGpvdXJuYWxpbmcgYmVuZWZpdHMgc2NpZW50aWZpYyByZXNlYXJjaA%3D%3D
experimnet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHv6vTKD6lg&pp=ygUxZ3JhdGl0dWRlIGpvdXJuYWxpbmcgYmVuZWZpdHMgc2NpZW50aWZpYyByZXNlYXJjaA%3D%3D
how gratitude rewires your brain f https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYoocycgMPw&pp=ygUxZ3JhdGl0dWRlIGpvdXJuYWxpbmcgYmVuZWZpdHMgc2NpZW50aWZpYyByZXNlYXJjaA%3D%3D
See what others think, go even deeper and explore your thoughts… You can track it later and see your fascinating progress.✍️