The biggest risk is not taking any risk.

In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.

The future belongs to those who are willing to step outside their comfort zones.

negative thoughts counterstrike

negative thoughts counterstrike

"the same mindset that created the problem can't solve it" - albers?

You know that if you say your negative outloud you sound…

well, you know what, let's try it.

write your negative thoughts, and then answer yourself like a you are talking to a friend, from a point of your of your strongest, most calm you. You can also answer other's negative thoughts and try to help them reframe it and see .

100% anonimus. Just choose a nickname.

it's just how you speak. the more you practice speaking this way, the less the negative thoughts will go away

Use this format:

my negative self: "[enter toughts]

My best self: [enter your kind words as a response]

The biggest risk is not taking any risk.

In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.

The future belongs to those who are willing to step outside their comfort zones.