My future self is confident, both emotionally and intellectually.

I am in control of my emotions. I am less reactive and more introspective.

I am becoming more confident every day.

I control my emotions, not the other way around.

I choose calm reflection over quick reactions.

negative thoughts counterstrike

negative thoughts counterstrike

"the same mindset that created the problem can't solve it" - albers?

You know that if you say your negative outloud you sound…

well, you know what, let's try it.

write your negative thoughts, and then answer yourself like a you are talking to a friend, from a point of your of your strongest, most calm you. You can also answer other's negative thoughts and try to help them reframe it and see .

100% anonimus. Just choose a nickname.

it's just how you speak. the more you practice speaking this way, the less the negative thoughts will go away

Use this format:

my negative self: "[enter toughts]

My best self: [enter your kind words as a response]

My future self is confident, both emotionally and intellectually.

I am in control of my emotions. I am less reactive and more introspective.

I am becoming more confident every day.

I control my emotions, not the other way around.

I choose calm reflection over quick reactions.