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Think of an area in your life where you feel stuck. What's an action that you know could completely shake things up?

Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…

Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…

Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…

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See what others think, go even deeper and explore your thoughts… You can track it later and see your fascinating progress.✍️

Imagine something you could take to dramatically improve this area in your life. Something you could technically start doing pretty soon if you wanted to.

Then, visualize yourself taking this action. How does it feel? What changes do you see unfolding in your life as a result?

Then, ask yourself: What's truly stopping me from taking this step? Is it fear? Lack of time? Uncertainty?

Hint: it could be any small action which will have compounding effects. Perhaps it's signing up for that dating app you've been considering, or committing to a new workout routine. Whatever it is, see it clearly in your mind.

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