we're still in beta! sorry for the bugs

we're still in beta! sorry for the bugs

~ Activation exercise~
Write down 3 below things that come to your mind about why your business isn’t growing
2. Write down what could happen in your business when you solve/learn those things or delegate to someone

What are my objections, reasons, or excuses as to why I can’t grow my business or make more money?

Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…


Start your relaxing 1-minute timer and focus on the question. Visualize it. Feel it…

~ Activation exercise~
Write down 3 below things that come to your mind about why your business isn’t growing
2. Write down what could happen in your business when you solve/learn those things or delegate to someone

What are my objections, reasons, or excuses as to why I can’t grow my business or make more money?