Welcome to your first 1 minute question!

Take a deep breath...

  1. Read the question below question and activate the 1 minute timer.

  2. Close your eyes, and focus on the feeling of this question. Imagine how you feel when you are answering it and embodying the feeling.

  3. After that, I recommend writing your thoughts in the comments below - it's great for reflecting and integrating these thoughts. (it's 100% anonymous)

Let's try the first question…

It's essential to have a realistic understanding of where you are at that moment so that you can take the right steps towards your ultimate goal without getting overwhelmed.

stress bubble burst

stress bubble burst

Let's play a game. Think about all of the things that are stressing you out, and clear your mind.

Your mission (it actually happens automatically after you see your thoughts):
As an observer (the core of meditation), you will look at it from outside, and start to seek solutions instead of problems.

It's simple, try it! You can write it in your notebook or here and the comments, and later see your progress across all exercises. 100% anonymous - just choose a nickname.

Let's play a game. Think about all of the things that are stressing you out, and clear your mind.

Your mission (it actually happens automatically after you see your thoughts):
As an observer (the core of meditation), you will look at it from outside, and start to seek solutions instead of problems.

It's simple, try it! You can write it in your notebook or here and the comments, and later see your progress across all exercises. 100% anonymous - just choose a nickname.

Welcome to your first 1 minute question!

Take a deep breath...

  1. Read the question below question and activate the 1 minute timer.

  2. Close your eyes, and focus on the feeling of this question. Imagine how you feel when you are answering it and embodying the feeling.

  3. After that, I recommend writing your thoughts in the comments below - it's great for reflecting and integrating these thoughts. (it's 100% anonymous)

Let's try the first question…

It's essential to have a realistic understanding of where you are at that moment so that you can take the right steps towards your ultimate goal without getting overwhelmed.