we're still in beta! sorry for the bugs

we're still in beta! sorry for the bugs

Here's the question again…

Here's the question again…

Imagine you have already achieved it... What does your day feel like now? Who are around you? How do you carry yourself differently? What new opportunities are naturally flowing your way? How does it feel in your body to live this reality?

Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath.

Your intention isn't just a dream anymore - it's your reality.

Let's step into it...

Imagine you have already achieved it... What does your day feel like now? Who are around you? How do you carry yourself differently? What new opportunities are naturally flowing your way? How does it feel in your body to live this reality?

✍️ add your thoughts about this question

✍️ add your thoughts about this question


See what others think, go even deeper and explore your thoughts… You can track it later and see your fascinating progress.
100% anonymous. Just choose a nice nickname ;)

See what others think, go even deeper and explore your thoughts… You can track it later and see your fascinating progress.
100% anonymous. Just choose a nice nickname ;)

14k subscribers joined

14k subscribers joined

14k subscribers joined